We build a better quality of life. #Reliably
Our priority is professionalism and responsibility. At Budimex, we focus on open and transparent management that leaves no room for dishonesty or abuse. We operate on the basis of documents, regulations and policies that clearly define the rules in our organization and those regarding cooperation with external entities. We regularly inform about their compliance in the reports we prepare.
Our Management Board and Supervisory Board are composed of experts and specialists with extensive knowledge and experience in the area of our industry, market and enterprises.
At Budimex, each element of corporate governance has its role, and all of them together form an efficient system that supports the daily functioning of the company and makes us a trustworthy partner for our shareholders and customers.
Basic corporate documents
Articles of Association of Budimex SA
Rules of Procedure for the Management Board of Budimex SA
Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA
Rules of Procedure for the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA
Rules of Procedure for the Remuneration Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA
Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of Budimex SA
Remuneration policy for members of the bodies of Budimex SA
General Meeting
Annual General Meeting of Budimex SA – 23.05.2024
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for May 23, 2024
Retransmission of the Annual General Meeting [see video]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on the payment of dividends for 2023.[go to www]
Results of voting on the resolutions of the May 23, 2024 Budimex SA AGM.[go to www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [go to www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [download pdf]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 23 May 2024 [go to www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 23 May 2024 [pobierz plik pdf]
5. Financial statements:
- report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex S.A. for 2023 [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2023 Budimex SA [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2023 Budimex Group [download pdf]
- Annual report [download zip]
- Consolidated annual report [download zip]
6. Excerpt from the report on Remuneration Policies [download pdf]
7. Excerpt from the report on Good Practices [download pdf]
8. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
- Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [download pdf]
- Resolutions of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting
- Resolution No. 416 [download pdf]
- Resolution No. 419 [download pdf]
- Resolution No. 420-426 on the recommendation of discharge to the Management Board of Budimex SA [download pdf]
- Recommendations of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [download pdf]
9. Report of the Supervisory Board on the remuneration of members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board in 2023
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board on the adoption of the remuneration report [download pdf]
- Report of the Supervisory Board on remuneration of members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board in 2023 [download pdf]
- Auditor’s assessment [download pdf]
10. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report No. 32/2024 on the recommendation to pay dividend for 2023 [go to www]
- Draft resolution on the distribution of profit [download pdf]
11. Draft Remuneration Policy for Members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of Budimex S.A. [download pdf]
12. The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [download zip]
13. Information obligation of Budimex S.A. [download pdf]
OGSM of Budimex SA – 18.05.2023
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for May 18, 2023
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA 18.05.2023 [see video]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on the payment of dividend for 2022 [go to www]
Results of voting on the resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA of 18 May 2023 [go to www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [go to www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [download pdf]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 18 May 2023 [go to www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 18 May 2023 [download pdf]
5. Financial statements:
- report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex SA for 2022 [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2022 Budimex SA [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2022 Budimex Group [download pdf]
- Annual report [download zip]
- Consolidated annual report [download zip]
6. Extract from the report on Remuneration Policies [download pdf]
7. Extract from the report on Good Practices [download pdf]
8. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee:
- Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [pobierz plik pdf]
Resolutions of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolutions of the AGM:
- Resolution No. 402 [download pdf]
- Resolution No. 403 – 406 on the recommendation of discharge for the Management Board of Budimex SA [download pdf]
- Recommendations of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [download pdf]
9. Report of the Supervisory Board on the remuneration of members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board in 2022:
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board on the adoption of the remuneration report [download pdf]
- Report of the Supervisory Board on remuneration of members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board in 2022 [download pdf]
- Auditor’s assessment [download pdf]
10. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report No. 18/2023 on dividend payment [go to www]
- Draft resolution on the distribution of profit [download pdf]
11. Resolution of the Supervisory Board No. 396 on co-opting a member of the Supervisory Board [download pdf]
12. The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [download zip]
13. Information obligation of Budimex SA [download pdf]
OGSM of Budimex SA – 19.05.2022
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 19 May 2022
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [see video]
Resolution of the Annual General Meeting on the payment of the remaining part of the dividend for 2021 [go to www]
Results of voting on resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA. of 19 May 2022 [go to www]
Appointment of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA for the next term of office [go to www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [go to www]
2. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [go to www]
3. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of the convening of the Ordinary General Meeting [download pdf]
4. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 19 May 2022 [go to www]
5. Candidates for the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA:
- Candidates for the Supervisory Board submitted by the majority shareholder [go to www]
- Candidacy submitted by Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Aviva Santander – Shareholder of Budimex SA [go to www]
- Statement of the candidate proposed by Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Aviva Santander – Shareholder of Budimex SA [download pdf]
6. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 19 May 2022 [download pdf]
7. Financial statements:
- report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex SA for 2021 [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2021 Budimex SA [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2021 Budimex Group [download pdf]
- Annual report [download zip]
- Consolidated annual report [download zip]
8. Excerpt from the report on Remuneration Policies [download pdf]
9. Excerpt from the report on Good Practices [download pdf]
10. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee:
- Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [download pdf]
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting
- Resolution No. 368 [download pdf]
- Resolution No. 373 [download pdf]
- Recommendations of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [download pdf]
11. Report of the Supervisory Board on remuneration of members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board in 2021 [download pdf]
12. Auditor’s opinion [download pdf]
13. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report No. 15/2022 on the payment of the remaining part of the dividend [go to www]
- Report No. 19/2022 on the date of determining the list of shareholders entitled to the remaining part of the dividend for 2021 and the date of payment of the remaining part of the dividend [download pdf]
- Draft resolution on the distribution of profit [download pdf]
14. Diversity Policy of the Supervisory Board [download pdf]
15. Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2021 [download pdf]
16. Report on the state of application of the Code of Best Practice 2021 of December 2021 [download pdf]
17. The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [download zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 20.05.2021
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for May 20, 2021
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [see video ]
Resolution of the Annual General Meeting on the payment of dividend for 2020 [go to www]
Results of voting on resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA of 20 May 2021 [go to www]
Appointment of members of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [go to www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [go to www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [download pdf]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 20 May 2021 [go to www]
4. Candidates for the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [go to www]
5. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 20 May 2021 [download pdf]
6. Financial statements:
- report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex SA for 2020 [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2020 Budimex SA [download pdff]
- report on non-financial information for 2020 Budimex Group [download pdf]
- Annual report [download zip]
- Consolidated annual report [download zip]
7. Excerpt from the report on Remuneration Policies [download pdf]
8. Excerpt from the report on Good Practices [download pdf]
9. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
- Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [download pdf]
- Resolutions of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting
- Resolution No. 336 [download pdf]
- Resolution No. 337 [download pdf]
- Resolution No. 342 [download pdf]
- Recommendations of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [download pdf]
10. Report of the Supervisory Board on the remuneration of members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board in 2019 and 2020 [download pdf]
- Auditor’s opinion [download pdf]
11. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report No. 18/2021 on dividend payment [go to www]
- Report No. 30/2021 on the dividend record date and dividend payment date [go to www]
- Draft resolution on dividend payment [download pdf]
12. The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [download zip]
OGM of Budimex SA – 18.06.2020
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for June 18, 2020
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [see video ]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting on the payment of dividend for 2019 [go to www]
Results of voting on the resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA of 18 June 2020 [go to www]
Appointment of a member of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA for the tenth term of office [go to www]
Remuneration policy for members of the bodies of Budimex SA [download pdf]
Resolution of the Annual General Meeting on the adoption of the Remuneration Policy for members of the bodies of Budimex SA [download pdf]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [go to www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [download pdf]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 18 June 2020 [go to www]
3a. Candidate for the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [go to www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 18 June 2020 [download pdf]
5. Financial statements:
- report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex SA for 2019 [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2019 Budimex SA [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2019 Budimex Group [download pdf]
- Annual report [download zip]
- Consolidated annual report [download zip]
6. Excerpt from the report on Remuneration Policies [download pdf]
7. Excerpt from the report on Good Practices [download pdf]
8. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
- Report on the activities of the [download pdf]
- Supervisory Board • Resolutions of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolutions of the [download pdf]
- Ordinary General Meeting • Recommendations of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [download pdf]
9. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report No. 27/2020 on dividend payment [go to www]
- Draft resolution on dividend payment [download pdf]
10. Draft Remuneration Policy for Members of the Governing Bodies of Budimex SA [download pdf]
- Recommendation of the Supervisory Board on the Remuneration Policy for Members of the Governing Bodies of Budimex SA [download pdf]
11. The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [download zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 16.05.2019
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 16 May 2019
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [see video]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting on the payment of dividend for 2018 [go to www]
Results of voting on the resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on 16.05.2019 [go to www]
Appointment of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA for the tenth term of office [go to www]
1.Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [go to www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [download pdf]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 16 May 2019 [go to www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 16 May 2019 [download pdf]
5. Candidates for the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [go to www]
Another candidate for the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [go to www]
Information of the Management Board of Budimex SA on the criteria for the independence of Supervisory Board Members [download pdf]
6. Financial statements:
- report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex SA for 2018 [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2018 Budimex SA [download pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2018 Budimex Group [download pdf]
- Annual report [download zip]
- Consolidated annual report [download zip]
7. Excerpt from the report on Remuneration Policies [download pdf]
8. Excerpt from the report on Good Practices [download pdf]
9. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
- Report on the activities of the [download pdf]
- Supervisory Board• Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting [download pdf]
- Recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [download pdf]
10. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report No. 21/2019 on dividend payment [go to www]
- Draft resolution on dividend payment [download pdf]
11.The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [download zip]
OGSM of Budimex SA – 17.05.2018
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 17 May 2018
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
Results of voting on the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on 17.05.2018 [przejdź na www]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on the payment of dividend for 2017 [przejdź na www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [pobierz plik pdf]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 17 May 2018 [przejdź na www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 17 May 2018 [pobierz plik pdf]
5. Financial statements:
- report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex SA for 2017 [pobierz plik pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2017 Budimex SA [pobierz plik pdf]
- report on non-financial information for 2017 Budimex Group [pobierz plik pdf]
- Annual report [pobierz plik zip]
- Consolidated annual report [pobierz plik zip]
6. Excerpt from the financial statements on Remuneration Policies [pobierz plik pdf]
7. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Good Practices [pobierz plik pdf]
8. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
• Report on the activities of the
[pobierz plik pdf]
Supervisory Board• Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting
[pobierz plik pdf]
• Recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [pobierz plik pdf]
9. Recommendation on dividend payment:
• Report No. 17/2018 on dividend payment
[przejdź na www]
• Draft resolution on dividend payment [pobierz plik pdf]
10.The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [pobierz plik zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 11.05.2017
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 11 May 2017
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
Results of voting on the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on 11.05.2017 [przejdź na www]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on the payment of dividend for 2016 [przejdź na www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [pobierz plik pdf]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 11 May 2017 [przejdź na www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 11 May 2017 [pobierz plik pdf]
5. Financial statements:
• report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex SA for 2016
[pobierz plik pdf]
• annual
[pobierz plik zip]
report• consolidated annual report [pobierz plik zip]
6. Excerpt from the financial statements on Remuneration Policies [pobierz plik pdf]
7. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Good Practices [pobierz plik pdf]
8. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
• Report on the activities of the
[pobierz plik pdf]
Supervisory Board• Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting
[pobierz plik pdf]
• Recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [pobierz plik pdf]
9. Recommendation on dividend payment:
• Report No. 19/2017 on dividend payment
[przejdź na www]
• Draft resolution on dividend payment [pobierz plik pdf]
10. Amendments to par.9 of the Articles of Association in connection with the conversion and assimilation of 100 shares of Budimex SA and consolidated text of the Articles of Association taking into account the above-mentioned Change. [przejdź na www]
- Resolution No. 565/2016 of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange dated 6 June 2016 [pobierz plik pdf]
- Resolution No. 379/16 of the Management Board of KDPW SA of 08 June 2016 [pobierz plik pdf]
11.The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [pobierz plik zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 26.04.2016
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 26 April 2016
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
Results of voting on the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on 26.04.2016 [przejdź na www]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on the payment of dividend for 2015 [przejdź na www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [pobierz plik pdf]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 26 April 2016 [pobierz plik pdf]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 26 April 2016 [pobierz plik pdf]
5. Financial statements:
- Annual report [pobierz plik zip]
- Consolidated annual report [pobierz plik zip]
6. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Remuneration Policies [pobierz plik pdf]
7. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Good Practices [pobierz plik pdf]
8. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
- Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [pobierz plik pdf]
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting [pobierz plik pdf]
- Recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [pobierz plik pdf]
9. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report no. 17/2016 on dividend payment [przejdź na www]
- Draft resolution on dividend payment [pobierz plik pdf]
10. Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2016 (DPS 2016) [pobierz plik pdf]
11. Resolutions of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board on the adoption of DPS 2016
- Resolution of the Management Board [pobierz plik pdf]
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board [pobierz plik pdf]
12. The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [pobierz plik zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 28.04.2015
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 28 April 2015
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – older versions of the browser [przejdź na www]
Results of voting on the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on 28.04.2015 [przejdź na www]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on the payment of dividend for 2014 [przejdź na www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [pobierz plik pdf]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 28 April 2015 [przejdź na www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 28 April 2015 [pobierz plik pdf]
5. Financial statements:
- Annual report [pobierz plik zip]
- Consolidated annual report [pobierz plik zip]
6. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Remuneration Policies [pobierz plik pdf]
7. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Good Practices [pobierz plik pdf]
8. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
- Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [pobierz plik pdf]
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 223-246 [pobierz plik pdf]
- Recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [pobierz plik pdf]
9. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report no. 13/2015 on dividend payment [przejdź na www]
- Draft resolution on dividend payment [pobierz plik pdf]
10. Amendments to § 9 of the Articles of Association in connection with the conversion and assimilation of 120 shares of Budimex SA and the consolidated text of the Articles of Association taking into account the above-mentioned Change. [przejdź na www]
11. The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [pobierz plik zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 24.04.2014
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 24 April 2014
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – HTML 5 [przejdź na www]
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – older versions of the browser [przejdź na www]
Results of voting on the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on 24.04.2014 [przejdź na www]
Supplementation of the composition of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA for the eighth term of office [przejdź na www]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on the payment of dividend for 2013 [przejdź na www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [przejdź na www]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 24 April 2014 [przejdź na www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 24 April 2014 [pobierz plik pdf]
5. Financial statements:
- annual report SA-R-2013 [pobierz plik pdf]
- Consolidated annual report SA-RS-2013 [pobierz plik zip]
6. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Remuneration Policies [pobierz plik pdf]
7. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Good Practices [pobierz plik pdf]
8. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolution of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
- Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [pobierz plik pdf]
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of the resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 202-222 [pobierz plik pdf]
- Recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [pobierz plik pdf]
9. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report no. 26/2014 on dividend payment [przejdź na www]
- Report no. 34/2014 on dividend payment [przejdź na www]
- Draft resolution on dividend payment [pobierz plik pdf]
10. Curriculum vitae of the co-opted memberof the Supervisory Board [przejdź na www]
11.The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [pobierz plik zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 24.04.2013
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 24 April 2013
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – Adobe Flash Player 11.7.700.169 [przejdź na www]
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – older versions of the browser [przejdź na www]
Results of voting on the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on 24.04.2013 [przejdź na www]
List of shareholders present at the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA holding more than 5% of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting [przejdź na www]
Composition of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA for the eighth term [przejdź na www]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on the payment of dividend for 2012 [przejdź na www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [przejdź na www]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 24 April 2013 [przejdź na www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 24 April 2013 [przejdź na www]
5. Information on changes to the “Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies”
- Resolution of the WSE Supervisory Board on the adoption of amendments to the “Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies” [pobierz plik pdf]
- “Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies” – consolidated text [pobierz plik pdf]
- Resolution of the Management Board of Budimex SA on the application of the “Best Practices for WSE Listed Companies” [pobierz plik pdf]
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA of 26.03.2013 on the application of the “Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies” [pobierz plik pdf]
6. Financial statements:
- annual report SA-R-2012 [pobierz plik zip]
- Consolidated annual report SA-RS-2012 [pobierz plik zip]
7. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Remuneration Policies [pobierz plik pdf]
8. Excerpt from the financial statements on Best Practices [pobierz plik pdf]
9. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board, resolutions of the Supervisory Board recommending the adoption of resolutions by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA, recommendations of the Audit Committee
- Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [przejdź na www]
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 172-178 [pobierz plik pdf]
- Resolution of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA – recommendation of resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 179 [pobierz plik pdf]
- Recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA [pobierz plik pdf]
10. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Report on dividend payment [przejdź na www]
- Draft resolution of the Annual General Meeting on the payment of dividend [przejdź na www]
11.The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [pobierz plik zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 26.04.2012
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 26 April 2012
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
Results of voting on resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 26.04.2012 [przejdź na www]
Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA on the payment of dividend for 2011 [przejdź na www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [przejdź na www]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 26 April 2012 [przejdź na www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 26 April 2012 [przejdź na www]
5. Information on changes to the “Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies”
- Complete!!! Resolution No. 20/1287/2011 on the adoption of amendments to the “Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies” [przejdź na www]
- Resolution No. 15/1282/2011 on the adoption of amendments to the “Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies” [pobierz plik pdf]
6. Financial statements:
- annual report SA-R-2011 [pobierz plik zip]
- consolidated annual report SA-RS-2011 [pobierz plik zip]
7. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Remuneration Policies [pobierz plik pdf]
8. Excerpt from the financial statements on Best Practices [pobierz plik pdf]
9. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [pobierz plik pdf]
10. Recommendation on dividend payment:
- Dividend Reports [przejdź na www]
- Draft resolution of the Annual General Meeting on the payment of dividend [pobierz plik pdf]
11.The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [pobierz plik zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 19.05.2011
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 19 May 2011
Retransmission of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
Results of voting on resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 19 May 2011 [przejdź na www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [przejdź na www]
3. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 19 May 2011 [przejdź na www]
4. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 19 May 2011. [przejdź na www]
5. Information of the Management Board on changes to the “Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies” [przejdź na www]
6. Financial statements:
- annual report SA-R-2010 [pobierz plik zip]
- consolidated annual report SA-RS-2010 [pobierz plik zip]
7. Curriculum vitae of the new member of the Supervisory Board – Alejandro de la Joya Ruiz de Velasco [przejdź na www]
8. Excerpt from the financial statements regarding Remuneration Policies [pobierz plik pdf]
9.Complete!! Excerpt from the financial statements on Best Practice [przejdź na www]
10. Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board [pobierz plik pdf]
11. Report on dividend payment [przejdź na www]
12.The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [pobierz plik zip]
Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA – 19.05.2010
Documentation related to the Annual General Meeting convened for 19 May 2010
Composition of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA for the seventh term of office [przejdź na www]
List of shareholders present at the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA holding more than 5% of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting [przejdź na www]
Results of voting at the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA of 19 May 2010 [przejdź na www]
Retransmission of the Budimex Ordinary General Meeting of 19 May 2010 [przejdź na www]
1. Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA [przejdź na www]
2. Information on the total number of shares in Budimex SA and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of the announcement of convening the Ordinary General Meeting [przejdź na www]
3. Documentation to be presented to the Ordinary General Meeting:
- Merger plan with attachments – report 20/2010 [przejdź na www]
- report of the Management Board of Budimex SA on the Company’s activities and financial statements of Budimex SA for the financial year 2009 annual report SA-R-2009 [pobierz plik zip]
- report of the Management Board of Budimex SA on the Group’s activities for 2009 and consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2009 consolidated annual report SA-RS-2009 [pobierz plik zip]
- Report on the activities of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA in 2009 [przejdź na www]
4. Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting convened for 19.05.2010 [przejdź na www]
5. Justification for the draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Budimex SA convened for 19 May 2010. [przejdź na www]
6. The forms provided for in Article 402 [2] point 2 letter d of the Commercial Companies Code [pobierz plik zip]
About us
Participation of media representatives in general meetings of Budimex SA
- A media representative (journalist) may participate in the General Meeting of Budimex SA (WZ) after receiving accreditation.
- In order to obtain accreditation, an interested journalist should submit an application for admission to participate as an observer of the General Meeting to the Company’s Secretariat at least 2 hours before the start of the General Meeting. A journalist submitting the above-mentioned application should have a valid journalist ID card with an identity document (ID card or passport).
- Journalists participate in the General Meeting as an observer, and do not take active part in the proceedings. In accordance with the Commercial Companies Code, active participation is vested in the shareholders of the Company to which the GM relates and, to a limited extent, without the right to vote, by the Company’s authorities and statutory auditors, unless these persons are also shareholders.
E-mail address that may be used in cases provided for in the Commercial Companies Code in connection with the General Meeting –
Current and periodic reports
Selected financial data
Budimex SA
Budimex Group
Financial performance information material
2023 results
Assumptions of the dividend policy of Budimex SA for the years 2022 – 2026
Dividend Information
Report No. 18/2023 Recommendation to pay dividend for 2022
Draft resolution on the distribution of profits
Corporate Events Calendar
Diversity policy
Diversity policy of the Management Board of Budimex SA
Diversity Policy of the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA
Diversity policy
How does the company implement its diversity policy?
Incentive programs
Expenses incurred by the Company and the Budimex Group
Report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex for 2023 (extract)
*Amount of expenditure on trade union organizations in 2023 is PLN 8,507.55
Report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex for 2022 (extract)
Statement of Expenditure 2022
*Amount of expenditure on trade union organizations in 2022 is PLN 8,671.97
Report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex for 2021 (extract)
Statement of expenditure 2021
*Amount of expenditure on trade union organizations in 2021 is PLN 8,652.12.
Report on the activities of the Budimex Group and Budimex for 2020 (extract)
*Amount of expenditure on trade unions in 2020 is PLN 5,768.08.
Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies
Other information
The company does not publish financial forecasts.
Information on the content of the rule in force in Budimex SA regarding the change of the entity authorised to audit financial statements.
The Supervisory Board selects the entity authorised to audit the financial statements of Budimex SA and the consolidated financial statements of the Budimex Group on the basis of the recommendation of the Audit Committee for a period of at least two years.
Questions and answers to the company
Contact us!
Contact details of persons responsible for communication with investors
Michał Kielin
Head of Affairs Investor Relations and Analysis
Kamil Sochanek
Head of Affairs investor relations