In connection with the publication of financial information by the holding entity of Budimex S.A., i.e. Ferrovial SE, the Management Board of Budimex SA hereby discloses to the general public some selected financial information from the consolidated financial statements of the Budimex Group, prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) of 2023 and the comparable figures of 2022.

Net revenue from sales of products, services, goods and materials: PLN 9,801,515 thousand as compared to PLN 8,619,054 thousand of 2022.

Gross profit on sales: PLN 1,124,581 thousand as compared to PLN 872,443 thousand of 2022.

Operating profit: PLN 781,127 thousand as compared to PLN 562,427 thousand of 2022.

Profit before tax: PLN 929,612 thousand as compared to PLN 648,934 thousand of 2022.

Net profit: PLN 746,065 thousand as compared to PLN 548,129 thousand of 2022.

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the holding entity: PLN 738,196 thousand as compared to PLN 534,443 thousand of 2022.

Net profit of Budimex SA was PLN 749,569 thousand as compared to PLN 459,539 thousand of 2022.

The Budimex Group’s order book at the end of 2023 was PLN 13.14 billion compared to PLN 13.29 billion at the end of 2022.

The value of contracts signed by the Budimex Group in 2023 was PLN 8.29 billion as compared to PLN 7.88 billion of 2022.

The net cash position of the Budimex Group, including own cash less external financing sources, stood at PLN 3.8 billion as at 31 December 2023. As at 31 December 2022, the net cash position of the Budimex Group was PLN 3.1 billion.

The published data is not final and may be changed as part of work on the financial statements of Budimex SA and the Budimex Group.

The attached table presents the results of reporting segments of the Budimex Group of 2023 and comparable data of 2023.
