The Management Board of Budimex SA announces that on 22 April 2022 announces that it has been informed of the selection of the bid of Budimex S.A. by the Province Road Administration in Katowice informed as the most advantageous one in in the tender procedure for Construction works for the task: “Reconstruction of regional road No 925 from the border of Ruda Śląska, city with district rights – A1 – to the border of Rybnik, city with district rights”.

The information that our bid was rated the highest in the tender procedure was published on 28 March 2022 in the current report no. 17/2022.

Bid value: PLN 199,891,143.71 net

Works commencement date: after the date of the Employer’s submission of the Design Documentation and Specifications for Work Accomplishment and Acceptance (STWiORB) and after the Contractor’s takeover of the Construction Site by virtue of a hand-over report (the Construction Site will be handed over within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Contract).

Works completion date: 30 September 2023

Guarantee period: 96 months

Warranty period: 96 months

Advance payment: 5% of the gross contractual amount

Payment terms: up to 30 calendar days from the date of delivery of a correct VAT invoice to the Employer by the Contractor

Bank performance bond: 4.5% of the total price stated in the Tender Form

Maximum amount of contractual penalty payable by the Contractor: 30% of net remuneration

Maximum amount of contractual penalty payable by the Employer: 20% of the net remuneration for withdrawal from the Contract for reasons attributable to the Employer

If the contractual penalty on any account does not cover the damage suffered by the Employer (including lost profits), the Employer may claim compensation in excess of the contractual penalty on general terms.

Other terms and conditions of the Contract do not differ from the market standards.

The value of the bid exceeds the threshold of PLN 158,224 thousand net.