The Management Board of Budimex S.A. announces that on 28 March 2024, a contract ‎was concluded between the Municipal Road Authority in Częstochowa and Budimex S.A. in ‎the tender procedure for: “Construction of the Al. Wojska Polskiego National Road No 1 ‎junction together with a new alignment of National Road No 46 in Częstochowa”.‎

The information that our bid had been ranked the highest in the tender procedure and ‎selected as the most advantageous one was published on 28 July 2023 in current report ‎No 48/2023 and on 5 January 2024 in current report No 1/2024.‎

Contract value: PLN 195,931,355.00 net ‎
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Works commencement date: from signing the contract
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Works completion date: a maximum of 48 months from the contract date

Guarantee period: 120 months‎

Warranty period: 120 months‎
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Advance payment: PLN 10,000,000.00, on condition that the Contractor meets the ‎deadline for submission of the complete architectural and construction concept to the ‎Ordering Party
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Payment terms:30 or 35 days from the date of the Ordering Party’s receipt of a VAT ‎invoice correctly issued by the Contractor, accompanied by all required documents, ‎depending on the sources of financing of the project ‎
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Bank performance bond: 5% of gross bid value‎
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Relevant terms and conditions of the contract which are characteristic of this ‎contract, particularly those which differ from the terms and conditions commonly ‎used for the type of contracts: project co-financed by the Polish Deal programme: ‎Strategic Investment Programme.‎

Maximum amount of contractual penalty payable by the Contractor: 30% of gross ‎compensation ‎

The Ordering Party reserves the right to seek supplemental damages up to the amount of ‎the damage suffered.‎

Other terms and conditions of the contract do not differ from the market standards.‎
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The value of the contract exceeds the threshold of PLN 172,381 thousand net.‎