The Management Board of Budimex SA reports that on 20 August 2013 it was informed by Warsaw University of Technology about the selection of the bid of Budimex SA as the best bid in the open public procurement procedure for the “Construction of a Central Laboratory, delivery of equipment as well as delivery, installation and start-up of research facilities as part of the option right”.

  • Value of the bid: PLN 275,116,000.00 net.
  • Commencement date: on the date of granting access to the construction site as documented in a protocol, on the 10th day from the signing of the contract.
  • Deadline: 24 months from the date of concluding the contract.
  • Term of guarantee: 36 months
  • Financial terms and conditions:
    • Term of payment: 21 days from the delivery of the invoice to the Contracting Authority.
    • Performance bond: 5% of the gross remuneration
  • Amount of contractual penalties:
    • 10% of net remuneration (without option right) for withdrawal from or termination of the contract for reasons attributable to the Contractor, and if the option right is exercised, in the amount of 0.05% of the total gross value of the contract
    • 0.05% of net remuneration (without the option right) for each day of delay in performing the subject of the contract
    • 0.01% of net remuneration (without the option right) for each day of delay in removing defects discovered during the acceptance procedure or during the term of guarantee and warranty. The term shall be calculated from the day following the last day designated for removing the defects.
  • Irrespective of the reserved contractual penalties, the Contracting Authority is entitled to claim supplementary damages on general terms.

The contract value exceeds 10% of the equity of Budimex SA.