The Management Board of Budimex SA announces that on 21 September 2012 an agreement was signed with the Voivodeship Roads Board of Podkarpackie in Rzeszów for the development of voivodeship road no. 892: Zagórz–Komańcza.

  • Value of the contract: PLN 96,862,567.46 net
  • Commencement date: 30 days from the date of concluding the contract
  • Deadline: 30 September 2013
  • Guarantee period: 60 months (including 12 months for horizontal markings)
  • Financial terms and conditions:
    • Payment: 30 days from the date of delivering the invoice to the Contracting Authority
    • Bank guarantee for good performance: 4% of the gross contract value
  • Penalties paid by the Contractor:
    • 0.5% of the gross contract value for each day of delay in commencing the works, but not more than 50% of the gross contract value in total
    • 0.5% of the gross contract value for each day of delay in the performance of the works, but not more than 50% of the gross contract value in total
    • 0.1% of the gross contract value for each day of delay in providing post-construction documentation
    • 0.3% of the gross contract value for non-performance of the works in the amount specified in the financial schedule approved for a given year
    • 0.5% of the gross contract value for each day of delay in removing defects, but not more than 50% of the gross contract value in total
    • Up to 100% of the gross value of an element plus demolition costs in the event of defects decreasing a functional value that cannot be removed
    • 10% of the gross contract value for contract termination for reasons attributable to the Contractor
  • Penalties paid by the Contracting Authority:
    • 10% of gross contract value for contract termination for reasons attributable to the Contracting Authority
  • If the value of the damage exceeds the stipulated penalties, the Contracting Authority shall have the right to claim compensation on general terms.

The value of the contract exceeds 10% of the equity of Budimex SA.