The Management Board of Budimex SA hereby announces that it has been informed that Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Oczyszczania w m. st. Warszawie Sp. z o.o. [Municipal Cleaning Company in the capital city of Warsaw] has signed a contract with the consortium composed of: FBSerwis Kamieńsk Sp. z o.o. (a company owned in 80% by Budimex S.A.) and FBSerwis Karpatia Sp. z o.o., FBSerwis Dolny Śląsk Sp. z o.o., FBSerwis Wrocław Sp. z o.o. (companies wholly owned by Budimex S.A.) for the management of municipal waste from the capital city of Warsaw in the planned maximum quantity of 320,653 Mg within Task 4 (9) — management of municipal waste from the capital city of Warsaw in the planned maximum quantity of 99,997 Mg.

Contract value: PLN 66,140,764 net

The total value of orders with the same Ordering Party in the period from 14 July 2022 (i.e. from the date of the last current report No 44/2022) together with the aforementioned contract exceeded PLN 158,224 thousand net.

The information that the bid of the consortium was selected as the most advantageous one in a tender procedure was published on 9 November 2022 in the current report no. 66/2022.

The terms of the contract:

Contract value: PLN 66,140,764 net

Planned date of commencement of the service provision: from 01.01.2023, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the ToR.

Planned date of the service completion: until 31.03.2024

Payment terms: 30 days from the day of delivery of a correctly issued VAT invoice to the Ordering Party by the Contractor. Remuneration payable for monthly periods, based on the quantity of waste received for processing.

Performance bond: 3% of gross contract value

The bid provides for the management of a maximum of 99,997 Mg of municipal waste generated (from residential property) in the Warsaw area. Waste stream includes municipal waste both collected separately and mixed.

Maximum amount of contractual penalty payable by the Ordering Party: 10% of gross order value

The Ordering Party may seek compensation under general rules if the amount of loss sustained exceeds the amount of the stipulated contractual penalty.

Other terms and conditions of the contract do not differ from the market standards.

The total value of contracts signed between Budimex and its subsidiaries and Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Oczyszczania w m. st. Warszawie together with the contract value exceeds the threshold of PLN 158,224 thousand net.