The Management Board of Budimex SA hereby reports that on 15th September 2010 it received from the Kielce-based division of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways information about the selection of the offer by Budimex SA as the most favourable offer in the proceedings concerning the public procurement procedure carried out by a limited tender procedure for construction works: “Construction of national road no. 78 at the section of the northern ring-road of Jędrzejowo”.

  • Net contract value: PLN 152,315,279.91
  • Commencement date: no later than 30 days after concluding the contract
  • Completion date: 18 months after concluding the contract (excluding the period between 15th December and 15th March)
  • Guarantee period: 60 months
  • Financial conditions:
    • Advance payment: 10% of the contract value gross
    • Payment: 49 days after the Contracting Authority has received a VAT invoice
    • Bank guarantee of successful execution – 5% of the approved gross contractual amount
  • Contractual penalties paid by the Contractor:
    • For exceeding the deadline for the completion of works – 0.01% of the approved contractual amount per each day of delay;
    • For terminating the Contract for reasons attributable to the Contractor – 10% of the approved contractual amount;
    • For failure to perform the required minimum performance on the agreed date – 0.01% of the approved contractual amount per each day of delay.
  • Penalties paid by the Contracting Authority:
    • For renouncing the Contract for reasons attributable to the Contracting Authority – 10% of the approved contractual amount; The penalty shall not be binding whenever the contract has been renounced on grounds referred to in Sub-clause 15.2 FIDIC and in Article 145 of the Public Procurement Act.
  • The Parties reserve the right to supplementary compensation, which carries the amount of contractual penalties to the amount of damage actually suffered.

The contract value exceeds 10% of the equity of Budimex SA.