Independence Route – Stage II and III
The Independence Route – the western bypass of the centre of the capital of Podlasie – is a dual carriageway road running in a trench with two lanes in each direction, two-lane bicycle paths and new pavements. In total, Budimex built 7.3 km of the main road and modernised 8 roads intersecting with Niepodległości and Paderewskiego Avenues, and each was connected to the main street by a service road with a circular intersection. The works were carried out in two stages. During stage II, covering Niepodległości Avenue, 5 road viaducts, which are elements of roundabouts, as well as 4 pedestrian and bicycle bridges and 2 tunnels were built. The third stage of the investment included the reconstruction of Paderewskiego Avenue and a tunnel under the railway tracks, road viaducts, including one over the railway siding. As in the case of Niepodległości Avenue, the roads are supplemented with bicycle paths and sidewalks that run at ground level.
In both stages of the construction of the Independence Route, Budimex excavated 975 thousand. m3 of land and consumed 197 thousand. m3 of soil to create the necessary embankments. 285 thousand. m2 of crushed aggregate and 193 thousand. m2 of asphalt concrete. 5 million 202 thousand were used for armament works. kg of material. In addition, during the construction of the Independence Route, 11.2 km of water supply network, over 36 km of rainwater drainage, almost 44 km of lighting cable network and 19.1 km of power network were built or rebuilt.
Realisation details
Full name
Independence Route - Stage II and III
Infrastructure construction
Start date
End date
Municipal Office of Białystok
293 mln PLN