Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Medical University of Lublin
Budimex SA has expanded the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lublin with a new building covering a new operating theatre, emergency room, intensive care unit, diagnostics and laboratory facilities. The hospital was located in the area of the urban complex of the Old Town and Downtown, in the place of the former water reservoir and in the immediate vicinity of the Czechówka River. The buildings are founded in peat and silt, which are non-load-bearing soils, thus causing the need to strengthen the soil and foundation the foundations of the buildings on piles.
The scope of work included the construction of the G-16 building with an airstrip and internal installations along with land development, the construction of an exit from the national road No. 82 with the construction of a bridge over the Czechówka River, parking spaces, the construction of accesses, access roads, external stairs, retaining structures and water barriers, as well as the accompanying technical structures a medical gas building with an oxygen tank, a sewage disinfection station or a hydrophore plant.
The expansion of the Clinical Hospital is one of the largest investments in the area of health care development in Lublin. Budimex also carried out construction and installation works related to the comprehensive finishing and equipment of the facilities.