At the Municipal Waste Disposal Plant in Białystok, electricity and heat are produced thanks to thermal waste neutralization. The installation is friendly to the environment and the residents of Białystok. This is one of the elements of the emerging modern waste management system, which also includes the implementation of selective waste collection and the construction of a sorting plant at the landfill in Hryniewicze. The construction of the CWDP is the largest investment in the Podlaskie Voivodeship in recent years.
The construction was carried out by a consortium of companies: Budimex S.A. (consortium leader), Keppel Seghers Belgium N.V. and Cespa Compania Espanola de Servicios Publicos Auxiliares S.A. The contract provided for the design of the installation and then the construction, which lasted 751 days. A total of 2000 people participated in it. During the period of the most intensive assembly work, there were 457 people on the construction site every day.
The CWDP is able to process 15.5 tons of waste per hour, i.e. up to 372 tons per day. Up to 120 thousand of them can be thermally neutralized for a year. tons of municipal waste. Thanks to the technology used, it will be possible to produce approx. 38 thousand MWh of electricity and approx. 360 thousand GJ of heat energy that will go to the municipal heating network and will be used for own needs. This amount of electricity can power about 16 thousand. households, and heat energy in winter to heat about 875 single-family houses.