Railway Station in Bialystok
The historic building of the former St. Petersburg-Warsaw railway has been inscribed since 1960. to the register of monuments. The facility was built in 1860. and is an example of neo-baroque architecture. The purpose of the reconstruction of the SA railway station in Białystok was to create a high-quality passenger service space, covered by clear and visually attractive information, fully adapted to the use of the facility by people with reduced mobility.
The scope of work included, on the one hand, the restoration of the original appearance of the historic station from the 19th century, and on the other hand, its strengthening and protection for the next 100 years of safe operation. The station has been equipped with a modern BMS (Building Management System) installation and photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 24 kW. The thermal insulation of the building has been significantly improved. The station has been equipped with new sanitary and monitoring installations. Barriers for people with reduced mobility (PRM) have also been eliminated.
Budimex engaged about 100 subcontractors and suppliers for the construction works, most of them from the Podlasie region The biggest challenge was the underground works, some of which were carried out using the white bathtub technology. Very carefully it was also necessary to demolish the mezzanine with an area of about 300 m2, located in the main hall of the historic station. The works were carried out in small stages, by cutting off individual elements along with their fragmentation and removal from the facility.