S5 road – Nowe Marzy-Bydgoszcz
Budimex’s task was to continue the design and construction of the S-5 expressway on the section from the “Nowe Marzy” junction (without the junction) to the “Dworzysko” junction (with the junction) with a length of about 23.3 km.
The scope of implementation included the construction of a section of the S5 expressway with the beginning at km 1+798.08, at the junction of the S5 road with the A1 motorway, and the end at km 25+108.49 after the village of Dworzysko, along with construction and reconstruction. Under the contract, renovations of other roads and structures necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the designed section of the S5 road were also carried out, and one new road junction was built, and four existing junctions were rebuilt.