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On 29 and 30 December, at the construction site of the A1 Tuszyn – Piotrków section, Budimex commissioned two key junctions: Piotrków Zachód (connection of the A1 under construction with the S8) and Piotrków Południe (the so-called largest roundabout in Europe). The commissioning of both new facilities together with the new system of temporary traffic for cars in the 2+2 system (two lanes in Katowice and two lanes in the direction of Łódź) will significantly speed up the journey between these two junctions and shorten the travel time from 40 to 10 minutes during rush hours. Both junctions are called the key section of the “Polish road backbone”, in these places it crosses the S8 route with the A1 motorway under construction and with the national road DK74 connecting Piotrków Trybunalski with Łódź.
Temporary traffic on two lanes in each direction is already taking place on the new line of the motorway under construction along the entire length of the 15-kilometre-long contract carried out by Budimex. The opening of this key section was attended by m.in. Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk, Director of GDDKiA Tomasz Żuchowski and Dariusz Blocher President of Budimex SA and Artur Popko – Vice President of Budimex SA.
Our goal is to deliver the entire investment before the contract date planned for the end of 2021, as we try to do on many contracts. Many words of appreciation to the Budimex team for the effort put into completing this part of the work ahead of schedule,” he said during the opening of the nodes. Dariusz Blocher – President of Budimex SA.
From mid-January 2021, this section of the A1 will be covered by sectional speed measurement. We appeal to drivers driving on the new section to drive safely and to comply with the speed limit of 70 km/h. It should be remembered that the construction is still ongoing on the adjacent road and that the safety of these people depends to a large extent on the responsibility of drivers – adds Dariusz Blocher.
The biggest congestion on the A1 is becoming a thing of the past. What you have done today – addressing contractors to the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways – is a great achievement,” he said during the opening of the Piotrków Południe junction – Minister Andrzej Adamczyk.
The construction of the A1 Tuszyn-Piotrków section is currently 65% advanced. Construction works are already underway on the second line of the old road No. 1. The planned date of completion of the works and the opening of the target traffic is December 2021.