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During the ninth edition of the Invest Cuffs conference in Krakow, awards were presented to industry leaders, which distinguish companies that contribute to the development of investor awareness and building products and services of the highest quality. This year, winners were selected in 22 competition categories – Budimex was the Dividend Company of the Year 2022.
A jury consisting of industry experts and journalists selected the group of finalists. Then, in an open vote, Internet users chose the final winners.
“On behalf of the entire Budimex Group, we would like to thank you for all the votes cast – it is an honour to receive the award for the best dividend company. Budimex and the dividend is a story that has been going on for 14 years. So far, we have already paid out over PLN 4 billion to shareholders, which is about PLN 162 per share. Last year, we adopted an official dividend policy, which confirms our intentions to share the profit in the future,” said Kamil Sochanek, Strategic Analysis Specialist at Budimex, while receiving the award.
Invest Cuffs is an annual meeting bringing together the investment market industry – stocks, currencies, raw materials, cryptocurrencies, investment funds. It is one of the largest events of this type in Europe. Every year, it attracts experts, representatives of the most important entities in the industry, institutional and retail clients.
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Budimex spokesperson