
Budimex will build a section of the S3 expressway from Zielona Góra to Nieradze

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On 20 October 2015, the consortium of Budimex (95 per cent, leader) and Ferrovial Agroman signed a contract with the Zielona Góra Branch of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways for the construction of a 13.3-kilometre section of the second carriageway of the S3 Sulechów – Nowa Sól expressway, task II from the Zielona Góra Północ junction to the Niedoradz junction. The contract has a net value of PLN 158 million.

The section of the S3 expressway to be built by Budimex will run parallel to the existing western carriageway of the S3 road within Zielona Góra and the towns of Racula and Niedoradz.

The scope of work includes the construction of:

  • the eastern (left) carriageway of the S3 expressway,
  • engineering structures, road culverts,
  • collection and service roads and reconstruction of transverse roads,
  • reconstruction and extension of the junctions: “Zielona Góra Północ” and “Racula”,
  • environmental protection and traffic safety devices,
  • road maintenance circuit,
  • reconstruction of conflicting infrastructure.

Budimex’s responsibilities also include the introduction of the final marking of the S3 expressway on two carriageways, as well as the replacement of the wearing course on the existing roadway. The investment will be completed within 22 months from signing the contract (excluding winter periods from 15 December to 15 March).

The S3 expressway, which is currently under construction, is a part of the international route E65, which lies in the Trans-European Transport Corridor. The S3 will run longitudinally from the Świnoujście-Szczecin seaport complex in the north, along the western border of the country to the border with the Czech Republic.