On 25 April 2014, Budimex signed a contract with the Municipal Infrastructure Board in Słupsk for the performance of construction works under the project entitled: “New route of national road No. 21 in Słupsk”. The contract has a net value of PLN 88.9 million. The works will begin within 10 days of signing the contract and will be completed after 20 months.
The scope of work includes:
• construction and reconstruction of ul. Koszalin Street (from Szczecińska Street to Poznańska Street),
along with the construction of a viaduct over the PKP tracks,
• reconstruction of 11 Listopada Street and a section of ul. Piłsudskiego Street and the construction of ul. Rejtana
(section from Piłsudskiego Street to Grunwaldzka Street),
• reconstruction of ul. Braci Staniuków and the construction of a road connecting this street with ul. Port
along with the construction of a viaduct over the PKP tracks.
The total length of the reconstructed sections is 6.4 km.
The contractor’s obligations include the reconstruction of the existing intersections, the construction of 11
roundabouts, pedestrian sidewalks, bicycle paths, bus bays, installation of screens
reconstruction of collisions and necessary demolition.