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Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne 22 May 2024 signed a contract with Budimex S.A. for the expansion and modernisation of the Piła Krzewina 110/220/400 kV substation. The value of the contract is over PLN 232 million. Thanks to the implementation of the project, it will be possible to evacuate power from offshore wind farms and a nuclear power plant deep into the country.
As part of the contract, the contractor selected in the tender will modernize the construction built in the 1970s. Station. There will be three new branches of the 400 kV switchgear. Two new 400/110 kV autotransformers will also be installed at the station. The task also includes switching the Piła Krzewina – Plewiska line, currently operating at 220 kV, to 400 kV.
The investment is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The works will start later this year and will be completed in the first quarter of 2028.
The expansion and modernisation of the Piła Krzewina substation is the first project carried out for PSE by Budimex SA. After its completion, the substation and the 400 kV lines connected to it will become one of the key elements of the transmission infrastructure, necessary to ensure stable energy supplies to western and northern Polish.
2024 05 22 Pse Podpisaly Umowe Na Rozbudowe Kluczowej Stacji Elektroenergetycznej
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