
The Second House from the Heart will be built in Brusy in Pomerania

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Budimex will once again join forces with other construction companies for a noble cause. As part of the House from the Heart 2 campaign, it will build a turnkey house for a family of eight from the town of Brusy in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. This is the second house to be built for a large family living in difficult economic conditions, financed by Budimex and its Partners.

The House from the Heart 2 is a continuation of the high-profile campaign from a year ago, under which Budimex, in cooperation with other companies, built, equipped and handed over a house for Magda’s sixteen-person family from Radomsko in need.

This time, the beneficiaries of the Programme will be a family of eight living in the town of Brusy in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Iwona and Krzysztof are parents of six children, including two chronically ill children. In addition to the challenges of the children’s illness and providing them with special care, the family is struggling with a difficult financial situation. Currently, he rents an apartment with an area of 68 m2, having three rooms at his disposal. Iwona and Krzysztof, in order to provide their children with better living conditions, decided to build their own house on the inherited plot. The building with an area of 120 m2 will house six rooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a garage. The work had already been started by the family, but due to the difficult financial situation, the construction had to be stopped.

Iwona and Krzysztof dream of completing the construction of the house and creating a suitable place for their children to develop and learn. As part of the #DomZSerca campaign, Budimex decided to help the family make this dream come true and will complete the construction and equip their new house to a turnkey state. This project – a gesture of the heart – aims to help people in difficulty. At the same time, he draws attention to the condition of large families in Poland and encourages to initiate similar aid activities aimed at those in need.

“The main message of the House from the Heart campaign is, above all, the desire to help people facing life difficulties. The difficult situation of Iwona and Krzysztof was a motivation for us to once again take the initiative and organise an action and, together with our Partners, improve the living conditions of this family,” says Cezary Mączka, Member of the Management Board of Budimex SA.

In April this year, Budimex, together with other companies, built and equipped a 220-metre house for a family of sixteen from Radomsko. The company implements in the province. Pomeranian Voivodeship over a dozen large construction investments, including: the construction of the S6 Kashubian Route, the Tri-City Metropolitan Bypass, the second stage of the navigable canal through the Vistula Spit and the Port of Gdynia railway junction – adds Cezary Mączka.

On the website of the www.domzserca.pl campaign, it will be possible to follow the progress of work on the further construction and furnishing of the house. Information on similar aid activities undertaken by Budimex and other companies – Partners of this project – will be published there.