

Information is a business asset that requires effective management and protection.

Budimex makes every effort to ensure the effective and safe operation of the enterprise in order to best meet the needs of the Company’s Customers, shareholders and employees.

A manifestation of special diligence of the management of our organization is the minimization of operational risk by ensuring an appropriate level of security of the processed information.

Information Security at Budimex is established, maintained, monitored and supervised as part of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) certified for compliance with the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013.

The compliance of the ISMS with ISO/IEC 27001 proves that m.in:

  • we understand the importance and importance of information as an important resource enabling the achievement of business goals,
  • we can take proper care of information stored in electronic and paper form,
  • we are a trustworthy partner to whom customers, suppliers and consortium members can entrust sensitive information,
  • We are characterized by professionalism and organizational maturity necessary to play a leading role on the market.

Security policy of information systems of Budimex SA suppliers

Our goal is to ensure the security of the information we share with Suppliers. For this reason, we have published a set of the most important principles that we require our Partners to comply with when processing information that is important to us. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the documentation attached below:


List of domains of the Budimex Group

An important element of Information Security is the effective management of Internet domains.

In the hyperlink below, you can find domains owned by companies from the Budimex Group and from which our communication can be initiated and conducted.
