The 24-kilometre section of the S61 expressway from Suwałki to the state border with Lithuania – Via Baltica, is another section of this road that has been completed by Budimex in recent years (94 kilometres of this route out of 130 kilometres that are in operation). The scope of work included the construction of the S61 dual carriageway expressway with a length of approximately 24.2 km with two road junctions: Suwałki Północ Junction and Szypliszki Junction. Five car parks for travellers were built – as part of the MSAs: Budzisko Wschód, Budzisko Zachód and Żubryn, as well as a vehicle inspection site for road services. On the expressway, there are also two roadsite wellfare facilities for passengers with playgrounds for children. In total, thirty-three bridge structures were built along the entire section.

At its peak, 0.6 thousand people and nearly 300 equipment units worked on the construction site, processing a total of 1.3 million tons of soil. The construction required changing the course of the bed of two rivers. In order to properly drain the area, 63 drainage ditches were built.

Realisation details

Full name

S61 - Suwałki-Budzisko






S61 expressway from Suwałki to the state border with Lithuania

Start date


End date



General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways in Białystok


843 mln PLN