The Management Board of Budimex S.A. announces that on 2024-05-31 the Consortium consisting of Budimex S.A. (Consortium Leader, 50% share), Roverpol Sp. z o.o. (Consortium Partner, 25% share) and Rover Maritime S.L. (Consortium Partner, 25% share) was informed by the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A. and the Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia that its offer had been selected as the most advantageous in the tender procedure entitled “A 25% stake”. “Construction of protective breakwaters, constituting water access infrastructure to the Outer Port in the Port of Gdynia, in the design and build formula”.

The information that the Consortium’s offer was evaluated the highest in the tender procedure was published on 25.03.2024. in current report No. 27/2024.

Value of the offer submitted by the Consortium: PLN 438,699,534.11 net

Contract commencement date: the date of conclusion of the contract by the Parties

The deadline for the performance of the Subject of the Order is set at:

1) Design works along with obtaining a building permit up to 490 days from the date of signing the Agreement,

2) Construction works with obtaining an occupancy permit up to 819 days from the date of obtaining the building permit.

Warranty period: warranty for defects for the Works performed within the Subject of the Order for all defects arising from reasons for which the Contractor is responsible – 10 years

Advance payment: 10% of gross salary

Payment terms: up to 30 days from the date of delivery to the Ordering Party of VAT invoices issued on the basis of the material and financial advancement of the Works carried out

Bank guarantee of good performance: 5% of the gross price

Maximum value of contractual penalties paid by the Contractor: 20% of gross remuneration

The Ordering Party has the right to claim damages, the value of which exceeds the amount of stipulated contractual penalties on general terms.

Other contractual conditions do not deviate from market standards.

The value of the offering exceeds the threshold of 196,030 thousand. PLN net.