


We develop modern mobility

Railway construction

The development of railway infrastructure in Poland and on foreign markets is one of the key areas of our business activity. The company implements comprehensive railway investments with full infrastructure facilities, such as platforms, stations and viaducts, including participation in the construction of new and modernization of existing railway lines of strategic importance for Poland and the region.

The Railway Construction Division has an extensive and modern equipment base and is constantly developing the competences of its staff, m.in. in the construction of high-speed rail.

Budimex SA is one of the three largest contractors for the modernisation of railway lines in Poland.

The Division’s offer is complemented by Budimex Kolejnictwo, which provides various services for railway construction, m.in. equipment, welding, transport and surveying.

Railway construction brochure

Companies that implement projects for railway construction

Investor: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA.
Realization: 10.2023-in progress
Value: 903,5 mln PLN
Investor: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA.
Realization: 07.2020-in progress
Value: 2,2 mld PLN
Investor: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA.
Realization: 10.2019-in progress
Value: 1,5 mld PLN

Contact us!

Contact details of persons responsible for communication with stakeholders.

Dariusz Bac

Director of railway construction

Contact us!

Contact details of persons responsible for communication with stakeholders.

Contact our branches

Centrala telefoniczna

ul. Siedmiogrodzka 9

01-204 Warszawa, Polska

Region 1 DBK

ul. Gołębia 3

81-185 Gdynia

Region 2 DBK

ul. Dąbrówki 16a

40-081 Katowice

Region 3 DBK

ul. Kolejowa 1

01-217 Warszawa

Region 4 DBK

ul. Przejazdowa 24
05- 804 Pruszków

Oddział w Czechach

Ceskobrodska 1174
198 00 Praha 14

Rafał Zahuta,
District Director

Oddział na Łotwie

Mikołaj Waśniewski,
Branch Director