
Latvia to commence construction of Rail Baltica mainline

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Latvia has reached another milestone in the Rail Baltica project by beginning construction of its mainline. On 21 May the Rail Baltica team, representatives from the European Commission and international partners from France, Italy, Poland, Lithuania and Estonia gathered in Riga. They marked the occasion by sending messages to future generations through a time capsule to be embedded at the construction site.

“The significance of the Rail Baltica project in ensuring a fast and reliable connection for the Baltic region with Western Europe is particularly high in the current geopolitical conditions. The delivery of our shared ambition is to ensure a cross-border connection during the first phase of the Rail Baltica project by 2030, including the integration of Riga. Thus, the construction of the mainline is a top priority. We have undertaken the necessary preliminary work to hand over the subsequent tasks to experienced builders. I wish success and achievement to our partner teams from France, Italy and Poland!” explains minister of Transport of Latvia Kaspars Briškens.

“Rail Baltica brings us a step closer to the “Europe of trains” mentioned by French President Emmanuel Macron, that we are building, for a concrete, powerful, sustainable, and united Europe. It is an honour for France to be able to showcase the knowledge and expertise of its industrial champions in the rail sector, together with Latvian and European partners,” said Minister of Foreign Trade of France Franck Riester.

“We need Rail Baltica for economic development and to bring the Baltic countries closer to Europe. Rail Baltica has strong support from the European Commission, especially since the war, as its importance has increased even more,” says European Coordinator for the North Sea-Baltic TEN-T Corridor Catherine Trautmann. “It is not just a priority; it is a necessity. Rail Baltica is often cited as an example of transitioning to a new railway system. It is crucial to mobilize knowledge and expertise, and Latvia has successfully done that for the mainline construction.”

The joint venture ERB Rail JV, under the supervision of the Rail Baltica national implementing body in Latvia  – Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas will oversee the construction of approximately 230 km of the mainline railway. This includes 175 engineering structures, 11 animal crossings, 42 viaducts, 81 road bridges, and 32 rail bridges.

The construction will proceed in sections, beginning with the first set of works in the Bauska region near Iecava, where the future Rail Baltica infrastructure maintenance facility will be located. The maintenance center will cover an area of approximately 16.5 hectares. These infrastructure maintenance points will serve as logistic bases during the construction of the Rail Baltica mainline, facilitating the construction of connections to the existing 1520 mm track network and maximizing the use of the railway for transporting construction materials and machinery.

Artur Popko, President of Management Board at Budimex:

As part of the ERB RAIL consortium, we will participate in the implementation of a strategic investment for our entire region. Our share in the consortium is 30 percent. We will be responsible for the construction of civil engineering facilities and tracks. However, we operate within an integrated entity, which means that we work “hand in hand” to achieve a common effect.  At the stage of organizing the works, we were entrusted with the construction of one of the material storage facilities in the city of Lecava. That is why we have been present in Latvia for several months. Our team consisting of workers posted from Poland and those employed on site is preparing for the start of work. The opportunity to implement the Rail Baltica project is an honour for us, but also a challenge, given the scope of the project. This is a breakthrough project, because it is the first of its kind in this part of Europe. We are a company with over 55 years of history. We currently employ over 7 thousand people within the Budimex Group. Our competences include construction, renewable energy, electromobility and the production of steel structures. The contract for the construction of Rail Baltica is not the first one we are implementing outside of Poland. We carry out road and bridge investments m.in.  in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany.

Jaime Rontome Perez, ERB JV

The biggest challenge of this project will be the integration of different organizations, companies, suppliers, local subcontractors and cultures into a common project that pursue an objective, which is construction of the Rail Baltica, with the highest safety standards, on time also with the highest quality. A small proof of cultural diversity is that currently, between our team and the supervising engineer, we have found more than 7 European nationalities, and there will be much more when the project will be on going. But on the other hand, these differences at the same time will enrich the project with the contribution of their experience and knowledge. Latvian Rail Baltica will be built by very experienced companies in rail projects. They created such modern investments like Warsaw West Station in Poland, Line Bretagne – Pays de la Loire in France or Catania-Palermo in Italy. It gives the warranty of success and responsible constructioning. But its also a high challenge for all partners we have which are also present here. Always,  to bring such a project to successful finish, the investor and contractors must be allies and understand each other’s needs.

“Latvia starts mainline construction with considerable experience under the belt – we build on the experience of construction in RIX Riga Airport and Riga Central Hub sections, and have a calibre of partners – Contractor, Engineer – to tackle this next project phase with confidence,” underlays Chairman of the Management Board of Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas Ēriks Diļevs.

The commencement of construction on the Rail Baltica mainline marks a significant milestone, demonstrating the project’s progress and making it more tangible. “This year, over 150 km of the Rail Baltica mainline will be under construction. While many milestones remain to be achieved and challenges to be faced, the success of the next phases will hinge on the collaboration between the various project partners and contractors involved. I extend my best wishes for success to our newly onboarded partner and all the teams,” says interim Chairperson of the Management Board of RB Rail AS Marko Kivila.

The construction works for the Rail Baltica mainline will encompass railway substructures, embankments, road crossings, and railway superstructures, including tracks and other related infrastructure. This Red FIDIC contract estimates the total cost at approximately 3.7 billion euros. The specific costs for each section will be determined after the Design Review Phase, which will be conducted by the contractor ERB Rail JV. The client, Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas, along with the construction engineer Italferr (part of the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiano Group), will manage the contract, supervise the works and associated costs. The Ministry of Transport will oversee the overall execution of the contract.

Joint venture has extensive experience and expertise in the construction of strategic facilities in Europe, with the ability to deliver world-class quality in a cost-effective and timely manner across a wide range of countries. This international consortium, registered in Latvia, is composed of three of Europe’s leading engineering and construction companies specializing in road, railway, steel structures, and major concrete works: Eiffage Génie Civil SAS (France), Budimex S.A. (Poland), and Rizzani de Eccher S.p.A. (Italy). The Project & Construction Director of E.R.B. Rail JV Andy Swift: “Given the scale of the work, national construction companies will also need to be involved in the main construction works. Another important direction will be the cooperation with the Technical University of Riga, attracting students who will have the unique opportunity to gain experience in a European railway infrastructure construction project. It should be noted that this is a multi-year project, so ERB Rail’s collaboration with local engineers and current and future students is essential to the success of the project.”

Eiffage is a major player in construction and concessions in Europe and constructed the Bretagne- Pays-de-la-Loire high-speed line in France and is participating in works on the UK High Speed 2 railway line connecting London to Birmingham. Budimex is one of the leaders in railway construction in Poland. The company is currently undertaking such contracts as the new Warsaw West Station, one of PKP Polish Railways SA’s largest investment projects. The General Contractor is also responsible for the construction of the Gdynia Port railway station, the Ełk railway station, and the Czechowice-Dziedzice station. Rizzani de Eccher is already working in Latvia on the construction of the Rail Baltica Riga Central Hub. One of Rizzani’s strong points is the construction of bridges and viaducts. This driving specialization enabled the Group to build over 4 million m2 of decks and to provide its engineering services and relevant equipment for construction of over 7 million m2 of decks.

About ERB Rail

E.R.B. Rail JV PS is the consortium entrusted with constructing the Rail Baltica mainline in Latvia. With our expertise, dedication, and collaborative spirit, we are shaping the future of transportation infrastructure in the Baltic region.

About Eiffage

Eiffage is one of Europe’s leading construction and concessions companies. The Group’s activities are organised around the following business lines: construction, property and urban development, civil engineering, metal, roads, energy systems and concessions. Thanks to the experience of its 76,300 employees, Eiffage generated revenue of €20,3 billion in 2022, of which 30% was outside France.

About Budimex

BUDIMEX SA is a company with almost fifty-five years of tradition, which has a significant contribution to the economic development of Poland. Budimex employs almost 5,000 people (7,500 in the Group) and cooperates with 12,000 business partners annually, concluding more than 100 contracts per year. The Budimex Group finished 2023 with the net cash position at the level exceeding EUR 0.89 billion. Since 1995, the company has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Its strategic investor is a Spanish company with global reach – Ferrovial.

About Rizzani de Eccher

Rizzani de Eccher is a player in the international construction market, with over 2,300 employees and an annual turnover of around €850 million, generated mainly overseas. The Group currently operates and has completed works in over 70 countries. The specialization lies in general contracting, infrastructure, and state-of-the-art bridge construction.